Launch of Fire Safety Inspection Scheme

17th May 2023: CAHO is proud to announce that, One more step taken forward in the launch of a Fire Safety Inspection Scheme, initially for healthcare establishments, by the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) jointly with the Association of Healthcare Providers India (AHPI), with the First meeting of the Steering committee chaired by Mr Rejeev Kher, Former commerce secertary, Govt of India. 

The participants included, besides IFE and AHPI, Representatives of NHSRC, CAHO, QAI, TIC Council, ACBI and members of the core group which developed thw scheme. 

There was lively discussion on the scheme and the challenges hospitals face in implementing Fire Safety. An interesting perspective was provided by NHSRC with about 1.88 lakh primary healthcare establishments in the country needing Fire Safety but facing challenges of resources. it was decided that the core group would address the comments and finalize documents for launch of the scheme.



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