Launch of Basic Course on Hospital Disaster Management in association with SEMI - CAHO

Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organizations in association with SEMI (Society of Emergency Medicine India)  conducted its first Basic course on "Hospital

Disaster Management for Healthcare Professionals" at Dr. Mehta's Hospital, Chennai on 10th December 2017 with the focus on effectively managing in-hospital disasters & evacuation.

The program was inaugurated by  Dr. Vijay Agarwal, President CAHO  along with other dignitaries from SEMI and a MoU was signed between CAHO  and SEMI  to collaborate as knowledge partner  in conducting such programs in various parts of the country.

During inauguration of the program Dr. Vijay Agarwal, President- CAHO, Dr. Lallu Joseph,Technical Advisor- CAHO , Mr. Sameer Mehta, CEO- Dr. Mehta's Hospital, Dr. Tamorish Kole, Disaster Section Chair of SEMI, Dr. Saravana Kumar, organizer of the event spoke about the need for such programs and also shared their experiences from the past events. Various topics such as Disaster management terminologies, Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment, Overview of hospital incident command system, Triaging, Hospital Emergency Operations planning, Mass Casualty Incident Protocol and Hospital evacuation live exercise were conducted inside the hospital premises.

Around 60 delegates from different hospitals PAN India attended the program.

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