CAHO - Monthly Quality Meeting Initiative By Member Hospitals

03 Jan 2023: Sree Renga Hospital, Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu inaugurated the First Monthly Quality Meet at Sree Renga Hospital, Chengalpattu, TN (Powered by CAHO).

We had Quality teams from various Medical Colleges participated in the first Sree Renga Quality Meet. We had NABH coordinators, Quality team, nurses and doctors participating from Chengalpattu Government Medical College, SRM Medical College, Karpaga Vinayaga Medical College and Other Neighbourhood Hospital teams too.

Chai pe Charcha - Quality Meeting initiative Launched at Fortis Hospital Mohali (CQP) Punjab. Invited Tricity hospitals & Quality Professionals to attend international webinar and discussed PROM implementation at their hospital post the session. We had a discussion about the need for Safety and Quality Improvement initiatives and the various challenges too.

Rajagiri Hospital, Kochi, Kerala conducted Monthly Quality Meeting in their organisation by streaming CAHO-ISQua International Webinar Series 25 : PROMs as a Quality Improvement Tool 3rd Jan, 2023 @ 5.00 pm- IST with senior professionals of their quality team.

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