CAHOCON 2024 @ Kolkata (5th, 6th & 7th April 2024) - The Eighth International Annual Conference of CAHO | Registrations are Open !

Dear Friends,

Greetings from CAHO!

It is with great pleasure that we extend a warm invitation to you and your esteemed organization to participate in the eighth edition of CAHOCON, the Annual Conference of Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organizations and is endorsed by ISQua, ASQua and QCI. The conference is scheduled to take place on April 6th and 7th, 2024, at the prestigious Biswa Bangla Convention Centre in Kolkata. Additionally, pre-conference workshops are planned for April 5th, offering valuable insights into the latest advancements in healthcare.
Theme: "Making Healthcare Efficient, Effective, Economical & Equitable"
CAHOCON 2024 aims to bring together professionals and experts from the healthcare industry to deliberate on strategies and innovations that can contribute to making healthcare systems more efficient, effective, economical, and equitable. We are honored to announce that the Chief Guest for the event will be Mr. S Somanath, ISRO Chairman, bringing a unique perspective from the forefront of technological and scientific advancements.
Competitive Submissions : 
We invite submissions for various competitive categories, providing a platform for individuals and organizations to showcase their projects and contribute to the exchange of knowledge in healthcare quality. The deadline for submissions is 31st January, 2024.
1. Paper Presentation 
2. Video Presentation 
3. Best Clinical Audits 
4. Best Research Publication in Quality 


Recognition Awards : 
These award categories offer an opportunity for professionals to be recognized for their outstanding contributions in the field of healthcare quality. The application submission deadline is 31st January, 2024.
1. Young Quality Achiever Award 
2. Quality Champion Award


Registration Details: 
To ensure your participation and secure your spot at CAHOCON 2024, please register at anticipate a distinguished assembly of over 1800 delegates engaging in insightful sessions delivered by both domestic and international experts. 
We look forward to your active participation and contribution to making CAHOCON 2024 a resounding success.
For any queries or additional information, please feel free to contact us at +91-9870318781 or write to us at
With Regards, 
Dr. Vijay Agarwal, President CAHO
Dr. Lallu Joseph, Secretary General CAHO


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