Performance Excellence: An Elixir For Greater Profit Margins

We all need to adopt a Performance Excellence model in our respective organizations / institutions, for survival and success. This is a fact. Not an opinion.

Performance Excellence, as explained in the IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award Model is all about delighting customers, employees, society, and Mother Earth. In order to delight customers we must first delight our employees and society. All this without harming Mother Earth.

In the language of management (MONEY), the value offered by adopting a Performance Excellence model in an organization / institution is Greater Profit Margins. No one is against that.

With greater profit margins an organization / institution becomes more competitive. One can outbid a competitor by offering our product / service at a price that is lower than the cost to produce a similar product / service by the competitor!

That calls for a celebration. Customers are delighted. Customers become loyal.

  • Author :

    Suresh Lulla

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